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  • Does frequent drycleaning shorten the life of a garment?
    To the contrary, frequent cleaning prolongs the life of a garment. Not only do stains set with age, making the garment unwearable, but ground-in dirt and soil act as an abrasive, like sandpaper, causing rapid wear of fibers. Also, insects are attracted to soiled clothes and will cause further damage.
  • What does “Dry Cleaning” really mean?
    Drycleaning uses solvent to remove soils and stains from fabric in specially designed machines. ​ The term "drycleaning" is misleading: it is called drycleaning because the solvent contains little or no water and does not penetrate the fibers as water does. Among the advantages of drycleaning is its ability to dissolve greases and oils in a way that water cannot. ​ The drycleaning process begins with the pretreatment of spots and stains using special cleaning agents. The garments are then loaded into a machine resembling an oversized front-loading washer. It produces similar mechanical action to loosen embedded dirt. Throughout the cleaning process, the solvent is filtered or distilled to ensure its clarity. The garments are dried in the same machine and should have no residual solvent odor after cleaning.
  • What does starch do for your dress shirts?
    For aesthetic purposes, starch is commonly used when dry cleaning clothes to leave them feeling and looking crisp, somewhat stiff, and free of any wrinkles. The more starch that is used to iron a garment, the more stiff and wrinkle free the garment will be. It also makes removing stains easier since dirt and sweat stick to the starch as opposed to the dirty clothes.
  • How do you clean winter accessories, such as gloves, hats, and scarves?"
    Remember last spring when you bagged your hats, gloves, and scarves and put them in the back of your closet? Well, now it’s time to get them out and ready for another winter. If care labels are present, follow instructions carefully. Many synthetics, as well as cottons and wools, are hand or machine washable. If tumble drying is recommended, use a low temperature setting. Wool, fur, and leather accessories may require our assistance. These materials require special cleaning and finishing procedures. If you see them, point out any stains when you leave them with us. Most items will clean beautifully, but some accessories, particularly gloves, are exposed to many staining substances that can be more difficult to be removed.
  • Quick Tips for Summertime Clothing Storage
    To keep your winter fashions looking good season after season, follow these simple rules for storing your warm and wooly items: 1. Clean or dryclean everything before storage. Dirt and food are invitations to insects. 2. Make all necessary repairs - sew hemlines, replace buttons, and fix split seams - before cleaning and storing. 3. Store all items in a cool, well-ventilated area. 4. Store away from natural and artificial light. Hot attics, damp basements, and garages are to be avoided. 5. If you store in a closet, drape a cloth sheet over your clothes to protect them from dust and light. Do not store in plastic. 6. Pack airtight containers (other than cedar chests) with mothballs separate from the clothes, never on them. 7. To prevent wrinkles in sweaters, fold them and wrap in white tissue paper before storing. If you hang your sweaters, fold over the cross bar to avoid shoulder stretches. 8. Down comforters, like all winter clothing, should be cleaned (either washed or drycleaned according to the care label) before end of season storage. They should be stored loosely, to allow for air circulation. 9. If you do not have proper storage space, ask us about box storage. You can get your clothes cleaned and properly stored for the season all at the same time.
  • Can Sunscreen stains be removed?
    The oil component of skin care preparations may not be easily removed in normal washing or drycleaning procedures, but appropriate stain removal techniques can be successful. For this reason, it is important to tell us if sunscreens or tanning lotions may have contacted the garment. We will make sure our experienced team members pay extra attention it. The more information we know about stains, the more effective we can be when trying to remove it.
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